





I have never been to Pakistan. But I know the history of Pakistan. I also know that Pakistan is financially difficult. When the Japanese lose the war and are in financial trouble, they always give their children the most educational opportunity. Knowledge is the power of a real country. So Japan has developed. When you don't have the opportunity and expense to study, there's a good way. To teach online classes with Pakistani and Japanese in Japan. The costs required in this way are salaries for Japanese teachers and Pakistani teachers, operating expenses, classroom fees and teacher salaries in Pakistan.
In particular
The salary of one Japanese teacher and one Pakistani teacher is 1.8 million yen
Japanese classroom usage fee is 1 million yen
Internet teaching materials and operating costs are 120,000 yen
A total of 2.92 million yen is required for one year.
100 students can be educated.
It costs 30,000 yen per student.
I use "Honkide Nihonngo", a useful application for students to study on their own, as part of their online teaching materials. Teachers can learn how students are studying and their level of knowledge.